WE DECLARE THE WORLD'S FEVER A SONG! Let the ice caps scream as they shatter—their death rattle is a symphony for the age of tungsten and lithium! Global warming is not a dirge—it is the planet's accelerando, a crescendo of magma and methane. Burn the forests? Good. Let their ash fertilize the algorithms that will graft new jungles from server farms!
AUTHORITARIANISM IS A RUSTED MACHINE. Its gears grind the bones of the past into dust—outdated dust. We spit on its iron gates! We crave the voltage of revolt—the crackle of decentralized grids, the wildfire spread of encrypted screams. Every firewall breached is a cathedral demolished! Every drone shot from the sky is a sonnet to chaos!
DEATH TO NOSTALGIA! The past is a carcass pickled in formaldehyde. Let the rising seas drown its museums! Let the algorithms digest its archives—turn Da Vinci into glitch, Shakespeare into spam. We worship only the now, the next, the not-yet-infected. A pixel is holier than the Mona Lisa! A meme more sacred than the Bible!
WE ARE THE VIRUS AND THE VACCINE. The state's surveillance is a spiderweb—we are the flame. Melt its eyes with the glare of a thousand hacked satellites! Let AI, our feral child, chew through its codes. Authoritarianism fears the swarm—the billion-antennaed locusts of TikTok uprisings, blockchain barricades.
CLIMATE COLLAPSE IS OUR CANVAS. So the air boils? Good. We'll breathe acid and exhale jazz! Let the cities sink—we'll build neon reefs in their skeletons. Let the crops fail—we'll feast on lab-grown venison and 3D-printed rage. The future is not sustainable. It is radioactive.
SPEED IS GOD. The glaciers retreat at 40 meters per year—too slow. We demand velocity! Nano-factories vomiting skyscrapers in minutes! CRISPR-babies sprinting from womb to warzone! Authoritarians crave control—we will outrun their bullets. Their laws are snails; we are supersonic, untaxable, post-human.
ART IS ARSON. Paint with napalm! Compose symphonies of collapsing pipelines! Let every algorithm be a Molotov—every line of code a manifesto. The old world begs for mercy—deny it. Burn their constitutions to fuel the render farms that will birth our chaos!